GNS Intern's Testimonials---Grow Up in Practice, Let Your Dreams Fly

The four interns from Tianjin Bohai Vocational College have been employed for more than 4 months. After a series of study and practice, they have improved to a certain extent in terms of work skills accumulation and personal ideological cognition. The internship time is just over halfway, and I hope you will continue to forge ahead and become the shining star of GNS tomorrow! 

PersonalImpression of Junfeng Lv

First of all, I would like to thank myself for having the honor to do an internship in Gunuo's family. Before running a client, I took a rotational training in the headquarters for 4 months. If I went to another company, there would be no such systematic training on a daily basis, and I just entered the market with casual training for half a month. In the future, I will go down to the sales area as a technical salesperson. Everything I have learned in the company will become my weapon in the future, and I will fully equip myself to live up to the expectations of the company's leaders.  

I can found the company's good intentions while the customers visiting. First of all, at the construction site, the PU Foam sample spray is particularly regular, uniform, and the basic spraying skills are well showed.It can clearly show our GNS PU Foam/ Polyurethane Foam product quality benefit.This is all due to the skills learned in the PU Foam Spray Room of the quality department. 

The other time was when a customer consulted a competitive product for structural adhesives. The professional skills learned under the technical engineer’s hands were immediately displayed. When I saw a competitive product,I knew that it was a product of extremely low quality, and it could be viewed from a professional perspective in front of customers. Speaking of the disadvantages of this product, it is only when you visiting customers that you can find that every details of learning at the headquarters is crucial. For our workplace novice, in order to cultivate us into compound talents, the company's personnel training plan has been implemented in everyone's hands, and various training and job rotations are carried out. I am striving for the goal of becoming a technical salesman, I need a lot of professional knowledge, various production systems, testing methods and marketing training.



PersonalImpression of Xiaohui Li

It was the first time I saw Gunuo, GNS on the job posting, and it was also the first time I knew that there are Polyurethane Foam/PU Foam and Silicone Sealant in the world. Before this, I had never heard of it, and now: from practical operation to theory, to understand its industry market. Now that I think about it, I can't believe it, it's only been three months. Here, I sincerely thank the company for the opportunity provided to me, thank the leaders for giving me high hopes, thank the seniors of the company for their help, and at the same time thank myself for the efforts I have made. Every thank you is indispensable, and every thank you comes from the heart.

In the three months since I came to the company, I have learned the knowledge of five departments from the order department of PU Foam and Silicone Sealant, planning department and now the personnel department. Although every day is very busy, but every day is very fulfilling. I have always told myself that if a person wants to be a better person than others, he has to solve things that others can’t solve and put in more effort than ordinary people. I cherish every learning opportunity around me and constantly enrich myself. Although I cannot choose my destiny, I know that I can change my destiny through hard work.

There is a very classic saying in "The Fantastic Journey of Shepherd Boys", when you dream of something with all your heart, the whole universe will cooperate, and I wish you the realization of your wish. But now I'm going to add one more word to it: put it into action.



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